Thursday, December 1, 2011

Baking: 1st Attempt; Brazilian Cheese Puffs - Pao De Queijo

What do you do when you crave for something but it is not common in the area where you live? I'd suggest you turn to the "Almighty Google". Yes, type whatever you need; recipes, information... anything! 

This time I am craving for Pao De Queijo. I was introduced to these amazingly yummy cheese puffs by my dear Brazilian friend whom I met in Shanghai. It is so easy to make. All I need is Pao De Queijo powder, some water and a few eggs.  Mix them altogether, round it up and bake. With this mission of searching for the powder in my head, I roamed around some grocery stores but had no success. So what did I do next? GOOGLED it!  I found a recipe that I like and here it is (with a little twist to call it my own)

1 cup of milk
1/2 cup of butter
1 tsp salt
2 cups of tapioca flour
1 cup powder Parmesan cheese
2 eggs

1. Boil milk, butter and salt. Set aside.
2. Slowly add tapioca flour then cheese to the mix. Keep mixing it until a dough is formed. Add the 2 eggs in and mix it thoroughly. Make small balls. 
3. Preheat your oven to 350F and bake for 20-25 minutes.

I didn't have tapioca flour so i used the Gold Medal All Purpose Flour. I am not sure if this could alter the taste and texture but I used it anyway. My Pao De Queijo didn't turn out as puffy as how I remember it, but it was still very tasty. I shall make it again with tapioca flour. Stay tuned for updates on my journey to making the perfect Pao De Queijo!


  1. Oh, I like these. They had em at Brazilian steakhouses :) Imma try and make em too, sounds easy enough :)
